I was doing so good posting for a while... Then I got busy... I'm back and am going to try to do better...
Tuesday, I took my boy to the airport. He's going to be in Kansas with his grandmother for a month. It takes me a while to get used to it. I'm usually starting to enjoy it when it's time for him to be back. LOL He had just gotten back from Boy Scout camp on Saturday afternoon. He left for Kansas a few days later. I feel like something is missing in my life. I pack my lunch in the morning and feel like I don't have something important. Normally, I cut him a piece of watermelon every morning. I go to bed at night and feel like I forgot to do something. I try to check on him when he isn't even there. :(
I was in the living room playing video games with my husband and roomate. When I got up to walk through the kitchen, I found this. I had to check to see if it was alive. Can you believe that any self respecting cat would lay like this? This creature is crazy! He's such a fat lazy cat. I love him! :)