I got to stop at a knitting store in Fredericksburg. I bought some more sock yarn. I think I'm obsessed with the stuff! It was really pretty. I have been buying it online too. I've found some really good deals. I bought a wood pair of dpns. I don't like them at all. I like the metal dpns. Metal dpns are really hard to find around here. They didn't even have any decent metal dpns at the knitting store I went to. :( I ordered some Addi dpn off the internet. They were backordered and I have to keep waiting for them. I've gotten 1 1/2 inches done of the 4 inch cuff. I'm a slow knitter and don't have a lot of time to devote to it. :( I am really enjoying working with the dpns.
I'm hoping to go camping this weekend too. I don't know if I will be able to. I will be in Williamsburg on 4th of July weekend. That will be three weekends off in a row at work. I don't know how well that will work. I'll see if I can get someone to feed the rats for me this weekend. :) They all know I will be out of town the weekend after and I guess they will have to figure it out, but I still feel guiltly. The rats like to eat on the weekends too! LOL