I guess without ppsassygrl here to remind me to update my blog, I just don't do it. In my defense, things have been crazy for me. Shortly after the last update, I developed some kind of bump in my left thumb joint. It's been painful. I haven't been able to knit (I did get that Nantasket Basket done. I also got another one done in shades of green in Cascade 220.) I have been to the doctor's, gotten a sonogram done on my thumb and have been to an orthopedic doctor. I have a cystic lesion. It's some kind of cyst thing in the bone. I have to have surgery on March 16th. She's going to remove the cyst and adjust the pulley in my left thumb. I will have to go two weeks without being able to use that thumb. I'm very unhappy about that. I actually cried when she told me. I won't be able to knit and I won't be able to do my job at work. I'm such an independent person that I have the worse time with this. I was miserable when I couldn't knit because of the pain in the thumb. I'm going to have to figure out how to knit without my left thumb.
I'm totally obsessed with the Nantasket Basket. I have finished two already. I have one on the needles that is almost finshed. And have yarn to make about 7 more. They are so much fun to make. I wonder when I'll get tired of the pattern (prolly never!) LOL I also bought the stuff to make myself a purse. The KISS purse by Sally Melville. I had bought a varigated in shades of blue and green. I had originally bought some light green Cascade 220 to go with it, but I have decided that I want to use Onxy by Lamb's Pride. But, of course the LYS is sold out of it. I was hoping to have it completed before my surgery! But, it doesn't look like that will happen. :(
I hope everyone enjoyed the long post. Wish me luck in my surgery. I'll try to update again before then! :)
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
3 days ago