March has been horrible to me. I got a stomach bug. I had a fever, vomiting and diarrhea. It's been really bad. The vomiting and the fever went away. The rest still hasn't gone away. It's been two weeks. My doctor is thinking I have IBS since this has been an ongoing and frequent theme in my life. :( Tomorrow is my surgery and I have no idea how long I will have to be out of work. I know I won't be at work on Thursday, Friday or Monday. Wednesday is my first post-op appointment and I'm really hoping that things go well enough that I don't have to take too much time off. I had to use sick leave all last week and that has nearly used up all my sick leave. I am really hoping they get everything figured out soon and that I will be all better and not have so many problems. I stayed relatively healthy for a long time.
More bad news... My memere (french for grandmother) passed away last week. I was unable to travel to Massachusetts to the funeral because I was too ill. At the time I would have had to leave, my doctor was considering hospitalizing me. I am going to miss my memere. She was a very sweet lady and I loved her greatly.
I'm very excited about the brunch at ppsassygrl's on Saturday. And then Saturday evening, my entire family is going to Medieval Times. We even bought royalty tickets so we get to sit in the front row! That's very exciting. :)
Fred was really sweet while I was sick. He was stuck working 12-13 hour days everyday, so I didn't get to see much of him. I was a pain because I was miserable and scared. (I'd never been that sick in my entire life.) He bought me "Pride and Prejudice", "Walk the Line", "Sense and Sensibility" and "Prime" to watch this weekend. They were all really good movies. I watched "Pride and Prejudice" twice this weekend and am dying to get another copy of the book. I really want to read it again. Yesterday we picked up "10 things I hate about you", "Karate Kid", "Say Anything" and Season 4 of Charmed. So those should help me keep busy after the surgery. I also bought "Jane Eyre", "Mansfield Park" and "Sense and Sensibility" to keep me busy reading. But I will look forward to calls from friends while I'm home. I promise I won't keep you on the phone long because I'm not much of a phone talker. But it will be nice to hear some voices. :)
Okay... Well, don't expect another entry for a couple of weeks while I'm recuperating! :)
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
4 days ago
I'll definitely call and may even stop by to bug you and watch a nice cheesy chick flick with you!! Hope things start working out better for you soon...
Sorry to hear about your memere! I miss seeing you around here! Feel better soon!
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