I'm still working on that baby blanket. I am forcing myself to get it done before I go back to any of my other projects. I'm doing really well with that part. So, instead... I have days where I don't knit at all. I have done 194 rows out of about 200. I'm over half-way there. Why can't I just finish it? I think a part of it has to do with the fact that the person I'm making it for doesn't like me. I think that's making it harder. Otherwise, I would really enjoy knitting it. I'm doing a cabled blanket in a mint green color. I love making cables. They are a lot of fun. I like the color I'm working with. We all know i'm partial to green. :) The Knit Picks needles are wonderful. I don't know how I ever survived without them. So, why can't I just finish this blanket????
I hurt my shoulder/back. I pulled a muscle lifting heavy items at work. I didn't even feel well enough to play World of Warcraft. Fred was so lonely without me. I have almost a whole level of "rested xp" saved, so I should be level 43 in no time. :) I finally played again last night. The muscle is feeling much better than it was... I don't have to take the muscle relaxer and pain pill anymore. The days that I was on the medicine, I hallucinated heavily. That was really strange. I would be partially dozing off and would scare myself awake. I would hallucinate about falling down or something and I would startle myself. It was a weird three days! LOL
Jesse just started 6th grade. He's in middle school. He is already losing papers. I don't have any idea what to do with him. I set him all up to be organized, but when he's at school, he just can't seem to do it. :( Poor baby!
Good news!!! I'm getting an office at work soon. I will no longer have my computer, etc. in the lab. I think that will help me find time to blog more often. I might even answer an email from a friend now and then. LOL
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
3 days ago