Do you ever have someone in your life that just absolutely will not let you sleep??? I have many. Way too many...
The first is Christine Feehan- I've read ALL her books, so I'm safe from her until lemme see.... uhhh... Sept 4th. (Guess that's not really all that safe. LOL) But, after that I'm safe until October 31st.
Then Kate Forsyth makes me loose a lot of sleep. I've read all of her books as well so I'm safe from her until... well, i can't really find out when the third book of Rhiannon's ride comes out. So, I'm safe for a bit. LOL
My latest problem is Anne Bishop. I am so far from being safe... I have read all of the black jewels trilogy. It was really good. Then when I saw Pillars of the World, I thought it would be harmless. I haven't sleep this week!!! I'm so stuck in that book! I love it!!! Now I'm not safe at all. I'm going to have to hope on over to and buy some more of her books. Will I ever sleep again???
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
4 days ago
Yay--Jenn updated!! Dude, we have GOT to get together--I haven't seen you in an age. I was thinking about that book on tape you lent me for that long ass home visit; it was the best (Cry to Heaven--I want to re-listen to it!)
Your post makes me want to spend a whole day reading! I'm selfish though, I want my sleep. My current sleep deterents are my kitties... they are such infants! I swear, they woke me up this morning at 3:30 AM just because they wanted some lovin' and then again at 6:20! Sometimes I wish they had puny meows...
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