My house has the plague. Not the actually plague, because that would mean we'd have doctors (lots) to take care of us and make us feel better. No, we have the plague of all colds. I've been sick since last Wednesday. I missed work on Thursday and Friday. I'm here today because I know the doctor can't do anything for me; other than give me codeine which means I will sleep. I feel better when I'm sleeping anyhow. Sleeping is not a problem. Coming in to work when I'm coughing, sneezing, and achy, that's the problem. Jesse is sick. Fred is sick. My mom is sick. She's home right now. She doesn't even live in our plague infested house... I'd stay the hell away from me and my house right now if I could... I really wish I could. I also wish I could say I've gotten something done in the last four days. I wish I could tell you about a finished knitting project, something I sewed... I even wish I could tell you about a book I read. But, I can't... I can't even tell you what I watched on TV. I've been so incredibly "out of it." :(
Fred got me a cool 2007 calender. It's the Quilling pattern a day calendar. I'm excited to play with it. I know I'm always busy at work, but I hope I can take some time each day and do the little quilling project. Doesn't it look like fun? I really wanted the origami one last year and never got it, so I'm excited about this one this year. I don't have to work on Jan. 1, so I'm tempted to do the first one now, but I'm trying to be good. :) I know all you scrapbookers are jealous! :)
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
4 days ago
It's amazing to think about how far the medical field has come, and yet there's still no cure for the common cold. :-( I'm so sorry to hear you're sick!
i am jealous :) how fun!
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