I finally got my Ravelry invite. I'm Devilwmn there as well. I have already joined 50 groups!!! It sucks up a lot of time. :)
I think very few people actually read my blog. Most of those that do know me in person. I read a lot of blogs. I really don't comment very often. I often feel when I comment that I'm sticking my nose into other people's business. When I was a kid, my mother's best friend had a dog that had puppies. One of the puppies was everyone's favorite, but they were pure-bred and needing the money, my mother's friend had to sell that puppy. Everyone was crying. I was with them in the car when they took the puppy to it's new home. I was crying too. I spent a lot of time there and loved that puppy just as much as everyone else. My mother's friend turned around and looked at me and said "Why are you crying? It's not your dog and you have no business being upset." I try to keep out of other's business. I find it very hard reading blogs and getting to know lots of things about people's lifes. I like to comment. Generally, I'm a pretty happy and empathetic person. I like to send my good thoughts out into the universe. Maybe the good vibes will get where they need to go. It doesn't hurt to try, right? But, every once in a while, I feel that maybe I shouldn't even be reading ppl's blogs. I had been reading a particular blog and commenting several times when the owner of the blog had a give away. I thought it was a contest like i see on several blogs. I commented. I figured if she was doing a drawing to give something away that I wanted, it wouldn't hurt... Boy was I wrong! She sent back... "What are you doing commenting on my blog. I don't even know you. This is for friends only." The thing of it is, she's a knitting designer. She had a lot of neat patterns for toys. I liked her patterns and was going to purchase some... Upon getting that email, I cancelled my bloglines subscription for her blog. I have not been back and that was a year ago. Now whenever I comment on blogs, I feel like an interloper. I'm very sad that someone could ruin it for me. :( Now I think I only regularly comment on blogs of someone who is a friend or someone that I know is okay with comments from me... Hi Chris! :) and Rhonda! :)
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
4 days ago
Some people are so rude! If it's for friends only then someone needs to make their blog private. Please.
I would have cried about the puppies, too, even if they *weren't* mine. I think some people just have a much stronger sense of empathy than others; that's a good thing, not a bad thing.
You can *always* comment on my blogs. I like comments. :-)
I'm with Sarah, very rude! I think most people would love comments from people who are interested in their life. I love getting comments, maybe because I never get them and not that many people read my blog! But it makes me feel like I'm blogging for a reason!
Kelly Jo, I don't have a link to your blog. I'll read it. Just send me the link. :)
I agree with what Sarah said too. How rude about the "giveaway". And yes, I would have cried about the puppies, too. People. . .
Feel free to comment on my blog anytime you want! I love getting comments and would never think anything bad because of someone's comment. If you don't have the link, it's at http://armytbonegirl.livejournal.com/
You can comment on my blog anytime. I like comments. Most bloggers do.
If a particular person wants only friends to comment, they should make their blog completely private, reachable by invitation only.
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