My days of not having my own bed when I am camping are over!!! :) Fred and I bought a pop-up camper this weekend. It's used. It's a 1993. It needs some work, but it was a good price and the work it needs is all minor. :) We've been working on it every evening this week. It's sitting in my yard right now. I'm going to go camping this weekend. No husband... no kid... no animals. I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself! :) I've very excited.
Clapotis progress: I dropped my first stitch. (I told my mom this and she asked "On purpose?" LOL) My yarn doesn't drop so well. The yarn it calls for is wool and silk and my yarn is wool and alpaca. I have to tease it a bit to get it to drop. But, it is pretty. I also found another person on the Clapotis mailing list from Southern Maryland. What a small world! :) She just finished her Clapotis this weekend! I really want to use the yarn it calls for next time. I think I've decided on the Aslan colorway. It looks so classy. :)
I had a very busy weekend. Jesse had a soccer game on Saturday morning. They played the same team as last week. I hate this team. The parents are horrible. They act as if their children are playing professional soccer. The coach is horrible. He threw his clipboard when it looked like our team had scored one (to tie it up.) ... He made the kids to 50 push-ups for something stupid... and he told one of his players to act like our team was tripping him (this I heard from an eavesdropping 10 year old)... The players on the team push and make sure they are offsides when the other team might score. Then we went to a graduation party for sleepygrl25 at ppsassygrl's house and finally got to meet fairouz. Apparently the party really got started after I left. :( (At least that's the blog-land consensus!) I had to leave early because I promised my dad we would go to his show for the Knights of Harmony. The singing was good, but the seats were horrible. We didn't get home until 1 am!!!
Sunday was Mother's Day. We went to the Fractured Prune with Mom, Dad, Victor, Jenny and Sydney. It was really yummy. Then we stopped on the side of Route 4 to buy a camper (see above.) :) It was a really big weekend for us!
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
4 days ago
That's exciting about the pop-up camper--we're camping this weekend, as well! Who will you camp with if you don't have Jesse or Fred??
Enjoy the fruits of your labor (and Zzzz's) this weekend!
I will have to check out the Fractured Prune next time I go over to Calvert...looks yummy!
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