I am feeling a bit better. I've given the wallowing up. It takes up too much time. I had a very eventful weekend which helped to keep my mind off of things...
On Saturday, we had to get up early and be at the soccer field at 7:30 am. I have decided that this is much too early to be out of my house on a Saturday. Admittedly, I am usually up at this time on the weekends, but I'm usually sitting on my couch enjoying some hot tea and knitting on my latest project. Jesse had his game at 8:30 and had to have his picture taken before the game. Jesse is not one of those stellar players. He wants to sign up every year, but he wants to spend his time on the sideline. I'm not really sure his reasoning for all this, but that's what he likes. I can only surmise that it's the social aspect of the soccer team, but I fear that my family is right and he just wants to the orange slices he gets during half-time and the snacks he gets after the game. When he was smaller he thought you only got the snacks if you won the game. Personally, I hate sports. I hate watching all sports safe Hockey. I'm not sure what it is about Hockey, but I really love it. Soccer, I only watch when my son is playing. So, I started my next project. (Without completing any others of course.) I'm working on Clapotis from Knitty.com. I have been in love with this project since the first time I saw it, but couldn't justify spending the amount needed for the yarn it called for. I had been buying other yarn to get it to work out. I didn't like any of them. Then I found this obscure (at least it must be because that's the only link I can find for it online) at my LYS. I bought some for a different project. I was happily working along on it and decided it would make the best Clapotis. So, I bought (or sent Fred to pick up) enough yarn for the Clapotis. In the end, I spent as much (or more) on that yarn. Especially if you add the other yarn I bought to try it with that never worked out... I guess I can't be a yarn snob and cheap. :( (Wow! That was quite an aside...)
After Jesse's game, we headed down to Fredericksburg to go camping. I was happily knitting along on Clapotis when I realized I had made an error. And I finally figured out how my stitches were twisted when I was knitting, so Jesse unknit it for me and I started all over again...
The weather was warm and it was beautiful. Then... it got cold. Jesse didn't pack any pants. I had to run out to the store at 8 pm (when everyone else was sitting down to dinner) and find him some sweatpants. Mind you, I hadn't eaten since noon and we had gone swimming. I was halfway to the store and realized that I had no business driving. I'm sure I looked like I was drunk. Hypoglycemia really sucks! Somehow I made it back to the campsite with sweat pants. I got a little dinner and sat by the campfire for a little while. Everyone went to bed and Fred and I were sleeping in the tent. On our site, the only place to set up the tent was on the gravel. Not too bad when you have an air mattress. Not so good when you have an air mattress with a hole in it! I woke up two hours later (2 am) because I was really uncomfortable on the gravel. I grabbed my blanket and pillow and went to try to sleep in the backseat of my car. I get settled in and realized that I had to pee. I went to the camper and found out the door was locked! Luckily, my brother was awake because he also had to pee and let me in. I went back to try to sleep in my car. My back started hurting because I couldn't stretch out. I tried to the door to my dad's big truck. Unlocked! I thought "Finally, a bit of luck!" I tried to lay in there, but still the same problem. Guess that's what I get for being 5 ft 6 in and 2 in above the average height for a female. If I were shorter, I'd be happily asleep. Then it hit me... Victor and Jenny bought a hammock I'll sleep there. Little did I know that it was a evil hammock possessed by the cruelest demon imaginable! I tried to get comfortable and it flipped completely over and threw me on the ground. Now, I'm a stubborn person, so I wasn't going to let that deter me. I tried again. This time (I have no clue how it's even possible) it rocked up on it's end (it had the metal bars. And threw me out again. Resigned, I went back to the gravel. I played on my gameboy. (It was very dark out.) Then just laid on the gravel wishing the sun would come up so I could at least knit. I'm laying there staring at the door when my husband's big dog walks over to the door and starts smelling at the zipper to the door. Next thing I know... "ZIP!" He opened the door with his nose and was gone... I had to wake my husband up so we could go and chase the dog down right before sunrise... My husband (who can sleep anywhere and was asleep on the gravel...) and I caught the dog and chained him up over by the campfire. So I sat and waited for the sun and he went to sleep in the chairs... (Let me tell how infuriating I'm finding this super ability of my husband's at this point...) Good think my knitting needles (that I'm now holding and waiting for the sunshine) are wood... That's all I'm gonna say... Good thing they are wood and I didn't want to break them!
I'll bet you are tired just reading this entry! I feel tired thinking about it all again. But, on the way back home, hubby and I finally got our hiking boots... :) I got Clapotis past the part where it was when I let Jesse unknit it for me! I think unknitting is his specialty! :) I have my doctor's appointment today where I should get cleared to lift things again... I'm looking forward to that. I slept from the time I got home yesterday (got up for an hour) and went back to sleep until I had to get up and come to work this morning. I love my bed! :)
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
4 days ago
That project should be very pretty when you have finished.
What a weekend you had! Evil hammock indeed! Camping is definitely not for me...
Hey how nice to see that you're being a bit more positive :)
Evil hammocks!!! I don't know who invented those, but it must have been a man :)
PS: what kind of yarn is it that you're using for your Clapotis?
I think probably one of the best things about camping is how much it makes you appreciate your own bed and home! Glad to hear things are going better; we definitely need to get together sometime soon!!
Hey Jenn - I found that Dancing Fibers is still carrying that yarn you need. Here's a link.
http://www.dancingfibers.com/serendipity.html Tell me again which color you need and I'll order it! Like your blog.
Ellen at Crazy for Ewe
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