I'm definitely making progress on this blog. I'm actually remembering to update it!!! :) I'm so proud of myself. Now I just need to work on my procrastinating ways!!! LOL
This weekend...
Saturday, my son's first soccer game was cancelled. :( It rained all day on Friday. I don't think parents like their little one's out playing in the mud. I think that it builds strong character! LOL Besides, that's what they make trash bags for... so my son could actually ride home in my vehicle! :) Saturday afternoon we went to Bowie, MD for a show my dad's singing group put on. It was a pretty good show. I got to see several really good barbershop quartets. They were great! There were even two that were all girl barbershop quartets. I went to Border's afterwards and finally got my long awaited copy of Dark Prince by Christine Feehan. She's an excellent author and I want to read everything she has written. Luckily they reprinted this one. $40 on ebay was a bit too steep for me! Especially for a paperback!
On Sunday, we did a lot of hauling. We had to create our wood pile. We had an entire truck load of oak that needed to be stacked. It was very backbreaking work, but it was really good for me. I'm not even all that sore. :) The only lasting effect I have is that I wore short sleeve shirt. I was carrying the wood on my left arm and I now have little red bumps as if I was allergic to something. I'm sure it's not poison ivy or poison oak or anything like that. The bumps are really tiny and too spread out for anything like that. Who knows! My skin is always so strange! After stacking the wood, Fred and I went to do our grocery shopping. But, we can't just go to one store... LOL We have to go to a bulk store and then a regular grocery store. :) When we got back, Vince helped me cut my fabric for my paper piecing class tonight. So, at least all my homework is done! :)
Okay, so I was a bit long winded!!!! Sorry if you're tired of reading! :)
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
3 days ago