I had Aqua Aerobics last night. I think the instructor was trying to kill us! She worked us harder than normal and made us wear these floaters on our ankles. So, not only did we have to work out harder, but we had to work at keeping our feet underwater! I float really well and it was quite a trial to keep my feet under water. I didn't even wear a floating belt because I was floating so well without it! LOL I have my WW meeting tonight. I don't think I lost any weight, but we will see. My scale at home has been doing some really strange things. It goes up and down by 10lbs! It's a new scale and should not be acting like that!
After I got home, I got to use my light box. It works really great. I love it!!! :) I also got another of the my silk ribbon embroidery blocks done. All and all I had a good night. I'm a bit sore today, but hopefully that will go away! :)
Linkity is shocked tomorrow is March
4 days ago
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